The Carsharing Association (CSA) is a member-based organization that focuses on raising the profile of the positive impacts of carsharing and supports the growth and advancement of the global carsharing industry.
The Carsharing Association (CSA) is a member-based organization that focuses on raising the profile of the positive impacts of carsharing and supports the growth and advancement of the global carsharing industry.
Our goal is to maximize the environmental, social and financial benefits provided by carsharing organizations by promoting and providing education, services and awareness of socially responsible carshare programs. Provide an active forum and supportive environment for the carshare industry and its stakeholders.
Use policies to maket it more difficult and expensive to own a personal vehicle in your city and combine that with ease and reduction of costs for carsharing, biking and public transit. This will increase the motivation for people to switch to a multi modal mobility lifestyle.
Parking privileges are not only essential for successful carshare operations, they create a powerful incentive for people to change behaviour. If parking your own personal vehicles is more burdensome than a carshare vehicle, then people will more likely shed their vehicles.
Margins for carshare operators are generally razor thin and high parking costs are one of the most cited reasons why carshare organizations leave a city. Your parking pricing strategy has to be focused on creating a long-term relationship with the carshare provider.
movmi conducts surveys of shared mobility users on a regular basis and the #1 reason people switch to a new form of mobility is because of convenience. Providing easy access to a variety of options for different use cases increases ease of use and behaviour change and supports the success of your carshare organizations.
Extensive employer marketing and education campaigns have been instrumental in several cities to reduce single vehicle occupancy commutes and are an excellent way in motivating people to use carsharing.
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